Cybersecurity SImplified

Protecting the People

There’s enough people protecting organisations, we’re here to protect the people.

Hello There! I am Kaval Joshi a.k.a Kr1pt7c, a cybersecurity consultant, security researcher, darknet prowler, and creator of Decrypting. Welcome!

Let’s start with why. Why does Decrypting exist? The field of Cybersecurity has a high knowledge barrier. Most people don’t have the expertise required to understand most of the content being put out by credible sources out there. Organisations have experts to help them with their security. But what of the people? For them, there is us.

Decrypting lowers the barrier to cybersecurity, making it more accessible to the general public. How?

So, What is Decrypting exactly? Decrypting is a mission to bring all things cybersecurity to the everyday digital citizen.

Here are some free guides to get you started.